Discovering popular Apple Music tracks

If you want to stay up to date, you need a quick and easy way to see what is popular right now.

This feature will show you the top 100 in the most popular genres on Apple Music.

Any track that you already have in your library is marked as OWNED. This works by matching the track title and artist. If there is a mismatch then you can mark a track as such. You can also mark tracks as OWNED manually in the same way.

After adding new tracks to your library, simply upload your XML/NML again and rekordcloud will automatically match your tracks to the Apple Music tracks and display them as OWNED.

Popular tracks are marked as NEW if they were added to Apple Music in the last 4 weeks.

Not all music genres are represented here, only the most active ones from Apple Music. For most EDM genres Apple Music does have popularity numbers but very outdated so that's why you can't see these.

The charts are updated every day.

Protip: If your tracks aren't matching properly because your track titles are low quality, try using Smart Fixes to clean them up.